
After many visits to the crabs, I once

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 15.10.2018 09:18
von ylq123 • Gaser Lehrling II | 91 Beiträge

After many visits to the crabs, I once again came to the ditch and watched the crab friends who had not seen him for a long time. Who knows, after this visit, my mood has become heavy.s a normal day. I was bored at that time, but it was a coincidence that I suddenly remembered one of my friends living in the ditch: Crab. There was nothing to do on that day Cigarette Tobacco For Sale. I took three steps and made two steps. I ran into a ditch where I often watched crabs. This look, I was amazed for a while, the water is in the ditch, the best retreat of the crab: the stone, but there is no one. When I saw the crab last time, there were still a lot of stones Newport Cigarettes. How can I not have one now? Secondly, the water flow has become more and more dirty, and the last time it was not like this, I rummaged and found that one of the crabs could not be seen. At that time, I seemed to see it. The crab was facing the environment, tears, crying silently, crying for their home, but there was no way, but they had no choice but to move their home, their four-year home, I It seems to have seen it, how much they time, my heart was suddenly hit, and I held some hopes and went to another trap of the crab��s survival. After I had tossed it, I saw one and it took half an hour to see it Marlboro Gold. It was kind of small Marlboro Cigarettes Price, which made me more disappointed, and the water pollution here was bigger than before, and there were very few stones. So I invited the crab friend to the house to make it survive better. The little crab crawled around and it looked like it hadn't been so fast for a long time.menon of the crab's living environment and the decreasing number of crabs make me feel that we have to protect animals and care for the survival of animals. If we don't protect them, like crabs, they will gradually become less and less. Finally, it is close to extinction. If we are like this kind of animal, there are no animals in the world, only human beings ourselves, then how should we cry silently? How should we survive? Without animals we can't survive. At the same time, we must protect the environment. Otherwise, the land on which animals depend for survival will be destroyed by some things that seem to be insignificant.ning from the home to the ditch, there is only a pile of sloppy flowing water in the ditch, as well as some mud Carton Of Marlboro Reds, some soils that are basically useless. These muds cover one after another and never look good. Crabs, as well as some very small crabs, only two or three. These crabs, some of them never look at the crabs, seem to be silent, crying quietly, yes, the little crabs feel it, the water and the mud feel it, the whole ditch feels, I feel, they are crying Cry for the crab family...

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