
Everyone is eager to have happiness,

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 28.09.2018 10:42
von ylq123 • Gaser Lehrling II | 91 Beiträge

Everyone is eager to have happiness, and many people are looking for happiness, but always bamboo baskets to fetch water - a void. Where is that happiness? I can tell you responsibly: Happiness is everywhere, it is as numerous as the stars in the sky.ber once, I was going home Cigarettes Online, walking and walking, suddenly fell over by a stone, my knees were bleeding, so it hurt. I couldn't help but cry. At this time, my good friend Zhou Xiaoyu saw me crying and hurried over and said, "Don't cry!" Suddenly saw my knee, and said with distress: "It's bleeding! Quickly, I will help you. Go to the infirmary." With her help, I went to the infirmary and cleaned up the wound. I looked at Zhou Yuyu and thought I was so happy. It turned out that happiness is in the concern of classmates.the summer vacation Cigarettes Cheaper, I played water gun games with my classmates. Under the exposure of the scorching sun, countless drops of water hit the body cool. But when I got home, I found out that I had a cold, because I was afraid that my mother would marry me, so I was full of energy in front of my mother, but I was slouchy in the dark. One night, I had a fever, my forehead was hot, and my mother noticed that I had a fever and hurriedly took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I have nothing serious to do Marlboro Gold, just a few days of needles. After listening to the doctor, a big stone in my mother��s heart fell. But I didn't idle, and went to buy me fruit. When I saw the big sweat on my mother's head, I suddenly felt that I was so happy. It turned out that happiness is in the love of my mother.m about to finish the final exam. I am reviewing the papers that are doing a basket. My hands are sour. Looking at the information of a loll, I am very tired. After the exam, I won the first place. I was ecstatic and felt that everything I had paid before was worth it. Looking at the list, I feel so happy. It turns out that happiness is in the success after paying Carton Of Newports.
ness is actually very simple. It is a kind of happiness to sun and sunshine in the sun. It is a kind of happiness. It has a pair of bright eyes and can see everything in the world. This is also a kind of happiness... People around you are good at you Newport 100S. With your heart, you will find happiness everywhere.

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