
I used to go to the third grade and g

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 28.09.2018 10:42
von ylq123 • Gaser Lehrling II | 91 Beiträge

I used to go to the third grade and go out of school every day. I will wait for the younger brother of the first grade, Xiao Hua, to go home with him. Once, we didn't have to take a tutorial and go to school early. I came to the classroom door early to wait for him to go home. The teacher is not in the classroom, some students are talking, some students are painting on the books, and others are doing their homework seriously. My younger brother, Xiao Hua��s pen was originally placed on the desk. However, his small table at the same table was moving, and his pen was touched. The pen immediately fell on the ground, and I didn��t know where to go. My brother leaned down and looked around under the table to see where his pen was. Suddenly, the students who were close to the window immediately sat up straight and reminded the students: "The teacher is coming, the teacher is coming!" But my brother is still indifferent, still bowing his head, bending over, hoping to find the pen as soon as possible - The Chinese red pencil Carton Of Newports. However, after a while, the teacher really came. The teacher is holding a stack of homework books. She put down her homework and scanned the class for a week. Except my brother, everyone else is sitting right, and what is my brother doing? Still looking for a pen! The teacher came to Marathon's face and came to Hedong Griffin: "Xin Hua, how can you do small tricks? I have to call your parents, you will stand until the students are gone before they can go home." "I am very angry: How can I ask students if they don't ask clearly?" Why did the teacher directly slap him like this without leaving him some room to explain? He can be a first-grade elementary school student after all! After the teacher went out to the school Newport Cigarettes Coupons, he never returned to the classroom Cigarette Online. At that time, the campus was empty, and there were not many people. The teacher��s office was locked in the door, and only one of them stood silently in the classroom. I helped him pick up the pen, put it in the bag, and comforted him: "Brother, it is already late, the teacher and classmates are gone Cigarette Tobacco For Sale, let's go home!" At that time, I saw his eyes red like a rabbit. eye.y didn't you tell the teacher at that time, saying that you are going to write a pen?" I asked him on the way home with him.s a teacher. The teacher didn't tell me." He said with his red eyes. After that, Xiao Hua, no matter how his parents said him, how to beat him or marry him, he could not change this habit��the habit of throwing things away Newport Cigarettes.ometimes, reversing the truth will not only leave a deep trauma to the human mind, but also have a kind of evil that is difficult to correct.

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