
Open the notebook

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 24.04.2019 09:39
von ylq123 • Gaser Lehrling II | 91 Beiträge

Open the notebook and see the first page of "have a simple life, with the most distant dreams, even if tomorrow is cold Cigarettes For Sale Cheap, the road is far away", the heart is awkward. These years, it seems to have long forgotten, what is a poetic life, how to live a poetic life, but every time on the first page of a new notebook, always habitually write this sentence: "To have a simple life, With the most distant dreams, even if the weather is cold tomorrow, the road is far away." The first time I saw this sentence is after the college entrance examination, in the seven years of "the bed is a grave of youth", I know that it is Haizi. poetry. I carefully wrote down, in the age when I was still not doing things, I felt that this poem had a powerful and soft power that directly hit the heart. Simple life, distant dreams, maybe they are some seeds that I long for, scattered in the ridiculous heart of the earth, need to be in a dark night, the unsuccessful dreams and determinations over and over again, my definition of poetic life, probably Look like this sentence. I once sighed at "Life is not only in front of you, but also in poetry and in the distance." At that time, I still don't understand what it means to be "in front of me." Because of the ease of campus life in front of me, because I am still a child who is not a better thing, I still don't understand the true suffering of life and the helplessness of life. Chengri is doing some distant dreams and unrealistic illusions, and lofty thought that this is all of my life. I don��t feel naive now Cigarettes Online Usa Only, but I don��t know how innocent and the red-hot dreams will become what they will look like after a real life. However, if it is, it will only dream Lights Cigarette, and it cannot be called a so-called "simple life." Growth is an inevitable thing, but each stage of the memory of speed, time and time, has a favorite word that has been with you. The diary of junior high school is written: "Like a tree Newport Short Carton, use a lifetime of green, and finally mature a golden dream." Think about that time is the simplest time, life is still like a blank paper, really thought People can live like a tree, live in a green, and finally fall back to the roots. This simple idea of ??life is really imprinted in my junior high school years Cigarettes Newport Online. At dusk, there was a deep blue sky, like blueberry berries, pure and innocent, as if time and everything could be still. At that time, campus life, occlusion, monotony, but also quiet, simple about high school, it seems that there is no, or completely can not think of, whether there is such a sentence, let me remember. High school is the most ridiculous stage in the heart. At that time, I had a dream and didn't dare to do it. Hey, mixed chaos, I don��t know what life is. Fortunately, the encounter is still met, the best, most worthy friends, the first favorite teenager, favorite novels, writers... They are still in memory, at some point in the casual, certain scenes, I can still touch the punctuation. Later, when I was in junior year, I heard Chen Hongyu. When I heard "Ideal Thirty", many things touched in an instant. "You must love the wind in the wilderness, better than love poverty and thinking." "The original life you want has always been alive, bright as a fish. And poetically living, but there are dreams, hearts, and feelings, just as Sanmao��s sister said: ��On the day of my life, be a sincere person, do not give up the persistence and love of life, in a limited time and space. Live a poetic life in an infinite number of days, live poetically, and live a life like a poem. Beautiful language always has the magic of poetry. People who are sensitive to words are always fascinated by them. Perhaps life is still the same, and It won't be different because of remembering a sentence. But it is because of such a sentence that it has become the portrayal and pursuit of the heart in different stages of its own, and it has some unfamiliar dreams of youth and youth. I still don't know life. In what sense, they taught me, the meaning of dreams and freedom. I don't know what kind of life I will have. I just want to be able to put a heart in my heart. No matter what kind of situation, I will not forget. "Simple life, and the most distant dreams", do not forget the freedom of the wind in the wilderness, even if "Tomorrow is cold, the road is far away." That way, even if I do not have realistic poetry Life, but at least, it lives in my heart and lives on my way to the future.

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