
I have a sister, she embroids her

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 17.11.2018 07:28
von gfgfgfgfgfgf5 • Neugieriger Gaser | 8 Beiträge

I have a sister, she embroids her eyebrows, her face is handsome, dignified and delicate, and has a kind heart. She is a Sven girl. My sister has a pair of big watery eyes, long eyelashes, and a brow like a spring mountain. Lips are like peaches, with a charming smile, very gentle to people. sister is called Feifei sister Buy Cheap Cigarettes, because she is smart and smart, and her sister is fond of helping people. When she meets someone who needs help Carton Cigarettes, she will lend a helping hand. Remember that in the fifth grade, my sister returned to Fuling from Leshan. I came to my house. I saw my sister at first sight Buy Newports Online. I was so happy that I was very happy. I quickly took my sister��s hand and said, "Sister, sister, let��s go to the streets!'' The sister listened and said, "Looks like you like it." The street has been guilty. Well, I will eat the meal later, and I will go to the street. ''It��s already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I am busy pulling my sister to the street. Ah! Today, the weather is so good! Nature is also happy. On the spacious street, we both had a good time. When we arrived at the new Daxing site, we saw a large group of people around. You think, we must be so curious. I looked at it in the past. So, we strode forward and squeezed into the crowd and saw a disabled person sitting on the ground. I thought: It��s just a disabled person, can it cause such a big commotion? So I went around Looking around Cigarettes Online Free Shipping, I saw an adult standing there, watching his full court look, I don��t know which company��s big boss. I saw him say: "City Rogue, swindle money, see how much you can lie!'' Immediately, he left, and the crowd around him began to scatter Cigarettes For Sale Online. I realized what was going on. When the big boss went far, I pulled the sister's clothes and said: "Terror, it is too horrible!" 'Sister listened, curiously asked: "What horror?" 'I listened, trembled and said:" Of course, the big boss with big fat ears! ''Sister listened, said: "The fat head is too big, too exaggerated, but people like his kind of oily face are so cold and bloodless." The sister looked down for a moment, then looked up and said to me, "Sister, let us help him. I think he is also weird." 'I heard it: "Yes, it��s weird. But if he Is it a lie? The big boss just said that he is a lie?" 'Sister listened and said, "How can you believe the big boss? Like their big boss, they only care about their own interests, Which one will control the lives and deaths of other people! And, don��t you say that he is cold-blooded?�� 'I said:�� However, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it! In case he is a deceit, then why am I not? Did you suffer from loss?" 'Sister see me If I didn't agree, I said to me, "Helping people to be happy! We must treat everyone with a kind heart. If he is a bad person, you must also believe in good and good, evil and bad. Well, and fairness is self-sufficient. Besides, everyone is a Chinese child, help each other, and it should be right!�� 'I listened to my sister��s words and was moved. So I nodded and agreed. My sister saw me nod. I immediately took the money out of my pocket and handed it to the disabled person. My sister, your spirit of helping others has become the steering wheel in my life!

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