
I remembered the scene where

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 06.11.2018 04:14
von gfgfgfgfgfgf5 • Neugieriger Gaser | 8 Beiträge

I remembered the scene where we went to Mount Santa on the same day Online Cigarettes. I laughed from time to time, because there were too many things around me that day, I always saw some small details. I will report them one by one.e are not going on an outing! When we got to the top of the mountain, we went straight to the playground behind. I went to ride a bicycle first. After riding for a while, I found that many people lined up with Mr. Chen. I learned that I was playing the game and the winners had prizes. I went to the queue. When I arrived, I knelt down. Suddenly Cigarettes Online, I saw a pair of shoes falling off Marlboro Cigarettes, and I was shocked. I didn��t pay attention to the game. A chopstick fell from the sky and immediately hit my head. I suddenly hugged my head and was immediately misunderstood as I was crying. I immediately removed my hands and saw that my person was a boy. I was very ashamed at that time. I kept watching him when I left. At this time, Zhong Shiru ran over and said to me: "Li Wuzhen Newport Cigarettes Coupons, take your bicycle to ride." I gave him the key and took the opportunity to watch it until the teacher said to go to the lawn to play games, I think the time came.nt there to play pitching, and forgot about it for a while, I always played the third level. It was Wu Yibang who held the bubble circle. I picked up the ball and cast it toward the center of the bubble circle. For the first time, I hit it. His head, the second time I hit his mouth hard, I saw him like this, and laughed loudly. You understand, the boy I said is him - Wu Haobang, I am so happy, I have never laughed so much, laughing a little bit smug. However, quietly telling you that the ball we cast is a very soft and soft hollow plastic ball, which will not cause any injury. On this day, we finished the early morning and came to the Little Bee Composition Park. I thought I had to write a text again, but I heard a classmate excitedly saying, "Don't write the text today, let's go to Santaishan to play!" I simply don't Believe in my ears. Going straight to the classroom to ask the teacher and ask other students, it turned out to be true.e teacher arranged for the classmate who was riding a bicycle to go up the mountain first, just as I rode a bicycle. We are all in order, just like a well-trained team. We went to rest under an old stump, and I was bored and put up "Jiangnan STYLE," and the students were lively. When we arrived at the mountain, we did not go with the big forces. We did not take the usual path. Walking on the opposite road to the big forces, I went to the Weaver Lake and saw that there was no good, only one eye. Then we went around the mountain road to the gathering place of the big troops Cheap Cigarettes Free Shipping. But we don't do anything unusual, playing our best bike. Zhong Shiru took the lead and staged a performance for the speeding hillside. It was a high slope of 3 meters and 98 degrees! Zhong Shiru slipped down without fear, and we spent the morning in laughter and laughter.

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