
Nana is a child of a family of four. S

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 06.11.2018 04:14
von gfgfgfgfgfgf5 • Neugieriger Gaser | 8 Beiträge

Nana is a child of a family of four. She has a younger sister, Xiaoxi. Xiaoxi is smart and has a preference from her parents. Her parents use her as air.n I was young, in the bookstore, "Mom, I want this book, this book and this set of books..." Xiaoxi said. "Oh, well, love reading is a good thing." At this time, Nana said: "Mom, I want this, okay." Mom said: "How much? Not buying, too expensive." "As long as... "Nana hasn't finished yet, and her mother waved her hand and said, "Small West, check out." Xiaoxi took a dozen books and walked past Nana with a scornful smile How Much Is A Carton Of Newports. The waiter said: "Please pay 580 yuan." Their mother took 600 yuan. In fact, the book that Nana wants to buy is only 20 yuangarten, Xiaoxiba occupied the swing, called Nana push, Nana had to push, Xiaoxi deliberately put a foot, let the swing swing, and knocked Nana to the ground. Nana��s hand was worn and the skin was burning. On the kindergarten where I went home, the driver asked if anyone had not come up. Nana was cleaning the wound. Xiaoxi Mingming knew, and said, "All are here, driver, drive." The car started. Those beautiful memories in life can warm our hearts. When you think about those memories when you are sad, no one can help but laugh. Of course, after that, the same faint sorrow will pass, because memories have become memories, and the cruelty of reality has basically enriched people's lives. If so, good memories will be like blue smoke. Therefore, we should relax ourselves, forget some troubles, and remember some ease. Since China is the world's first "compressive country" Cigarettes Cheaper, why don't we put down our burdens and recall those happy and happy hours?t Marlboro Lights, the moment when I was a stupid person when I was a child, it was a good memory for each of us. When I was five or six years old, that was funny. I am rather ashamed of the age of five or six, and I don't like to talk to others, but when I say it, I am unscrupulous. When I went to my grandfather's house Marlboro Cigarettes Online, I didn't talk when I saw a stranger. At that time Newport 100S, the impression of Grandpa was not too deep. As soon as I saw my grandfather, my mother asked me to call "Grandpa". As a result, I uttered a "bad old man" and laughed and turned the audience. Grandpa also laughed. Because of my childhood, I mistakenly used the "bad old man" as the correct name. When I visited the relatives in the New Year, I saw the "great old man" when I saw the gray-haired person. When I saw the grandmother, I called it "the old witch." . In those few nights, I was "learned" by my father and mother. Looking back at the childhood words, my heart will be filled with sweet springs, I really want to go back to that funny and angry childhood!eautiful memories are so simple, you don't need the atmosphere, you don't need to shake the ghosts and earth, you can warm your heart and simply release your good memories, let your troubles and pressures disappear.

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