
he was wrong on Obama pandemic playbook

in Hier könnt Ihr Umfragen erstellen und Posten 15.05.2020 08:48
von alisa white • Gaser Lehrling III | 156 Beiträge

As Austin explained, a friend made an Alabama football mask for Austin shopsmokingonline.com]Online Cigarettes Store USA[/url] to wear when he leaves the house. The fan who responded told Austin the mask went against Austin’s reputation. Austin responded by telling the fan to shut up.

Austin’s wrestling persona was that of a rebel, and someone who was anti-establishment. He clashed with WWE owner Vince McMahon numerous times during his career.

How Austin acted in the ring has no bearing on how he should act outside the ring, obviously. The real shopsmokingonline.com]Newport Pleasure[/url] Steve Austin believes in wearing a mask to keep people safe because of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you disagree, you can shut up.

Why? Because Stone Cold literally said so.

Stone Cold Steve Austin isn't here for people criticizing his mask.
Von Miller thought he had a cold when he started coughing last month.

The Denver Broncos linebacker kept coughing and his assistant suggested shopsmokingonline.com]Newport Cigarettes Shop[/url] he get tested for the coronavirus. Miller tested positive, becoming perhaps the most recognizable athlete to publicly disclose he had COVID-19.

Miller, the Super Bowl 50 MVP, talked to Kent Babb of the Washington Post about his experience battling the viral disease. He is fine now, but there were some scary moments. And he wants everyone to know that the coronavirus is serious.

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